Travel Health and Altitude Sickness: A Guide from Midnight Pharmacy

altitude sickness tablets

Travel Health and Altitude Sickness: A Guide from Midnight Pharmacy

When planning a trip to high-altitude destinations, most travellers focus on packing the right gear and planning exciting adventures. However, one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the impact of altitude on your health. Altitude sickness can turn a dream holiday into a nightmare if not properly managed. At Midnight Pharmacy in Bradford, we are here to ensure that your travels are safe and enjoyable. In this guide, we’ll explore altitude sickness, its symptoms, prevention, and the importance of altitude sickness tablets in maintaining your health during high-altitude travel.

Insight into Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), occurs when your body struggles to adjust to the lower oxygen levels at high elevations. This condition can affect anyone, regardless of fitness level or age, when they ascend too quickly to altitudes above 2,500 metres (8,200 feet).

There are three main types of altitude sickness:

  1. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS): The most common form, characterised by symptoms similar to a hangover—headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.
  2. High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE): A more severe form, where fluid builds up in the lungs, causing breathlessness, chest tightness, and a cough.
  3. High-Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE): The most severe form, where fluid swells in the brain, leading to confusion, lack of coordination, and even coma.

AMS can be uncomfortable, but HAPE and HACE are life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. Therefore, being prepared and taking preventive measures before embarking on high-altitude journeys is essential.

altitude sickness tablets

Altitude Sickness Symptoms

Symptoms of altitude sickness typically start to appear within a few hours of reaching a high elevation. The symptoms can vary depending on the individual and the altitude, but signs include a headache, which is commonly one of the first symptoms to appear. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, and a loss of appetite. Fatigue and sleep disturbances can follow.

Most of these symptoms should ease as you get used to the altitude, but they can severely impact your holiday experience.

If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to stop your ascent and allow your body time to adjust. In more severe cases, descending to a lower altitude may be necessary.

Altitude Sickness Remedies

Prevention is key when it comes to altitude sickness. Here are some essential tips to reduce your risk:

Gradual Ascent: Ascend slowly to allow your body time to acclimatise. If possible, spend a few days at a moderate altitude before ascending higher.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, as dehydration can exacerbate symptoms.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: These can dehydrate you and worsen altitude sickness symptoms.

Eat a Balanced Diet: Consuming small, frequent meals rich in carbohydrates can help maintain energy levels.

Take Altitude Sickness Tablets: Medications like acetazolamide (commonly known as altitude sickness tablets) can help prevent and reduce symptoms.

How Do Altitude Sickness Tablets Work?

Altitude sickness tablets, such as acetazolamide, are an essential part of your travel health kit if you plan to visit high-altitude destinations. These tablets work by balancing the levels of carbon dioxide in your blood, helping your body acclimatise more quickly to the reduced oxygen levels at higher altitudes.

At Midnight Pharmacy, we offer a range of altitude sickness tablets to suit your needs. Here’s why they are important:

  1. Preventative Measure: Taking altitude sickness tablets before your ascent can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing AMS. Start taking them a day or two before your climb and continue for a few days after reaching your highest altitude.
  2. Symptom Relief: If you start to experience symptoms of altitude sickness, these tablets can help alleviate them, allowing you to continue your journey without discomfort.
  3. Easy to Use: Altitude sickness tablets are simple to take, typically with a glass of water. They are easy to pack and can be a crucial part of your first aid kit.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a reliable method of preventing and treating altitude sickness allows you to focus on enjoying your trip rather than worrying about your health.

Using Altitude Sickness Tablets Safely

While altitude sickness tablets are generally safe, it’s important to use them correctly. Here are a few guidelines:

Consult with a Pharmacist: Before taking any medication, it’s always wise to consult with a pharmacist, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications. At Midnight Pharmacy, our pharmacists are available to provide advice and answer any questions you may have.

Follow Dosage Instructions: Ensure you follow the recommended dosage and timing as prescribed. Overuse or incorrect use can lead to side effects such as tingling in the fingers and toes, frequent urination, or an altered sense of taste.

Monitor Your Health: If you experience any adverse effects or if your symptoms worsen despite taking the medication, seek medical help immediately.

altitude sickness tablets

Why You Can Rely on Midnight Pharmacy

At Midnight Pharmacy in Bradford, we are dedicated to offering comprehensive travel health services, including guidance on altitude sickness and supplying altitude sickness tablets. Our experienced team can help you prepare for your trip, ensuring you have everything you need to stay healthy at high altitudes.

In addition to altitude sickness tablets, we offer a range of travel health products, vaccinations, and personalised advice to help you stay safe on your travels. Whether you’re trekking in the Himalayas, exploring the Andes, or visiting any other high-altitude destination, Midnight Pharmacy is your trusted partner in travel health.

Elevate Your Travels

Travelling to high altitudes is an exhilarating experience, but it comes with certain health risks that shouldn’t be overlooked. Altitude sickness can be a serious issue, but with the right preparation and preventive measures, you can enjoy your adventure without compromising your health.

At Midnight Pharmacy, we’re here to support you every step of the way. We provide expert advice and supply the best altitude sickness tablets to help you stay healthy on your travels. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in preparing for your next high-altitude adventure.


This blog was written on behalf of Midnight Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.