COVID-19 PCR & Antigen Tests
Jetting off on your next big adventure?
COVID-19 has made a huge impact on the way that we live and the way that we travel. 2020 brought the travel industry to a massive halt, with millions of people worldwide having to cancel their travel plans. Thankfully, things are beginning to look somewhat brighter in the travel sector with airlines opening up routes and people soon being able to begin travelling again. This is all thanks to the humble PCR test, as many airlines and countries are now asking their passengers and visitors for proof of a negative COVID-19 test result in the 72 hours prior to their travel. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of reliable, accessible testing to screen for the Coronavirus disease has become increasingly apparent and that is why we at Midnight Pharmacy are offering COVID-19 PCR tests in Bradford.
What is a COVID-19 PCR Test?
PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. This is a test designed and used to directly detect the presence of the genetic material/antigens of the COVID-19 virus rather than the presence of the body’s immune response, or antibodies. This is only possible if the virus is present and someone is actively infected. The tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus very early on by detecting viral RNA (ribonucleic acid), which will be present in the body before antibodies form or symptoms of the disease are present. PCR tests give us a good indication of who is infected and who is not.
Who needs to have a COVID PCR Test?
The COVID PCR tests are for people of all ages that are planning a holiday or need to travel abroad for various reasons. Most travellers are now required to have a certificate and/or document to prove to airlines and countries they are visiting that they do not have an active COVID-19 infection. The test is not suitable for anyone that has COVID-19 like symptoms or for those who have had symptoms up to 28 days prior to the test – these people should follow all government guidance regarding self-isolation and testing.
As regulations might differ, depending on the destination or airline, please make sure that you check for the most up to date travel information. You can do this by speaking to your airline directly or by simply visiting the Foreign Office website where more details and guidance can be found.
Get your Fit to Fly Certificates and COVID-19 PCR Tests in Bradford
Book an appointment with Midnight Pharmacy in Bradford to get your PCR test today. Simply use the booking calendar to secure your place and we will look forward to welcoming you in-store.